I put a little in soup or beans a few times a year. and in: Diets of freely grazing and captive reindeer during summer and winter by Mauri Nieminen and Ulla Heiskari. not too much of a problem equating carbohydrates with starches - especially the energy rich ones like potatoes, bread, rice, pasta, and cereals - but it is a problem when somebody needs to get the energy to, for instance, hike 10 miles, and expect to do it with the energy from 1/2 pound of indigestible fiber or "carbs". My guess my picture above is of Cladonia Evansii (kla-DOE-ne-ah ev-AN-see-eye) which is a southern version of a common lichen that came down the Appalachians. Clover Blossom Flour. I saw forager Dick Deuerling nibble on Cladonia evansii uncooked while out on the trail, just picked it up, crushed some in his hand and down it went. Mushroomy flavour. On average, an adult reindeer eats around 9 to 18 lbs. Also, Green Dean, I’m not sure how the notifications work for your site, or if this gentlemen will be able to see my query, but, if he can’t, would you be able to act as a segway? I have eaten rock lichen many times – both raw and cooked. Reindeer and caribou in northern climates graze on reindeer moss as their primary source of food, thus its name. Tastes like dirt, but it has trace minerals devoid in most of our foods. ... Reindeer moss is also traditionally used. Copyright 2007-2018 – This web page is the property of Green Deane, LLC. Drain, rinse, barely cover the lichen with water and bring to a simmer can cook until it is gelatinous. Reindeer moss is composed of 94% carbohydrates caption displayed on screen. It would be good to clarify. Ate a little every day for a month and half in India and maintained proper bowel (for the first time :-)).Reindeer moss also has a very bland flavour when eaten raw, but is extremely tough to chew. The reindeer, moose, and caribou, have digestive systems that can break down the "carbs" much more effectively than the human system. Anyway…. You claim you eat it raw…95% of info on the Internet comes back that you are supposed to leech it. As far as I know Dicranum scoparium is not edible. Cladonia islandica was used to thicken jelly until gelatins came along. Lichen can be harder to tell apart than twins in the dark. That’s some 14%  more carbs than a potato. 1682. Never occurred to me, really. The Icelandic moss is soaked for a few minutes in lukewarm, water to soften it, then drained and chopped. In the fall I can harvest plenty of lichen, since we are a non profit, I’m always looking for ways to help generate $ thru fund raising, is there a way to do that by collecting and selling our lichen? Usnea is also edible but is more valuable as an antibiotic and antiseptic (see separate entry.) That said, I have to run off on a non-plant tangent here for a moment. What I haven't itemized is the range of minerals and amino acids also present in the winter lichen "crop", which, although poor in comparison with the fodder available during Spring and Summer, taken in the context of overall sparsity, is a significant nutritional component. Reindeer moss, or Cladonia rangiferina, is a fruticose lichen that is a staple food of reindeer and caribou. Don't go overboard, trying to eat 1200 calories of pine tree cambium layer a day, but a mix of different types of cellulose like reindeer moss and lichens with a bit of dried, shredded bark and a lot of hot water can keep you pooping. it has to cost less than gold flakes…. If you’re in the southern US and you think you’ve found Usnea and it has a black hair through the middle you’ve found Spanish Moss. However, lichens are an algae and fungi composite, and are not plants. Can’t you just see a clear vodka-like bottle with a lichen-esque label, maybe some stately lichen on some craggy gray rocks, maybe even a flak or two of lichen in the bottle…. It is both cleaner and has less dust than other types of moss. Personally I have tasted it raw(non consumption) searching for anything offensive and found it quite palatable, which makes me curious. Home; About. While Alone in various harsh and unforgiving types of terrain, these men and women must hunt, build shelters and fend off predators, all while documenting the experience themselves. I’m curious now if I read the little factual blurb wrong. A combination of nutritional studies suggest Cladonias are, by dry weight,  1.4% ash, 5.4% protein, 32.9% fiber, 2.1% fat, and 0.501% niacin  3.7% calcium, and 0.09% phosphorus. Flour made from wild plants existed long before agriculture, and many of them have a lot more flavor and nutrition than storebought flour. One cup soaked Iceland moss is about two cups dried. I’m surprised the Russians didn’t try to make rum. https://www.reddit.com/r/Alonetv/comments/clp1z2/alone_s6_foraging_for_survival_with_nikki_web/?st=jz7dogtp&sh=32e7e419. If ya can’t eat it, sleep in it. Could I put in my water and drink through it or serve food on top of it?? Here are some more lichen that are commonly eaten. If that’s true the sugar content should be much higher, especially since carbs = sugars. Oak Moss. Looks like that 94% title may have been done by an intern more used to lifestyle dietary terminology than nutritional science. Throw in some berries or rose hips while you can find them. the following data is given for Cladina rangiferina: Protein %: 1.7-3.3Fat % : 1.4Fibre %: 38.3Sugars %: 1.2, ( These are based on Dry Matter extraction analysis ), Research also carried out by Pal Vegar STOREHEIER, Svein D. MATHIESEN, Nicholas J. C. TYLER and Monica A. OLSEN in Nutritive value of terricolous lichens for reindeer in winter. That’s to be expected, of course, when a resource hasn’t been utilized much for such a long time. The distance between stops is so regular that in Finnish, this distance is known as “poronkusema” or “reindeer’s piss” and was a description of distances in the countryside. Here we have a bag of authentic Reindeer Moss to leave out as a treat for Santa's hard-working team of reindeer on Christmas Eve. There it is far better, but not five stars. When it comes to lichens, though, there’s really not a lot of proper knowing around. You can eat reindeer moss … We do not recommend exposing the Reindeer Moss to rainwater. Has a pleasant, rather bland flavour somewhat like dumplings. Reindeer have complex systems, they're 4 chambered stomach ruminants, and have developed a biome that digests the cellulose and other fiber in the lichens - accounting for their ability to stay on the land during snow-cover. Just interested to know. A combination of nutritional studies suggest Cladonias are, by dry weight, 1.4% ash, 5.4% protein, 32.9% fiber, 2.1% fat, and 0.501% niacin 3.7% calcium, and 0.09% phosphorus. SarcoSelect Success Story with Dr. Jeffrey Moss. 99 There is one fact which is not accurate. We do not recommend exposing the Reindeer Moss to rainwater. ENVIRONMENT: Well drained open areas, sandy scrubland in Florida,  prefers acid soil, Alpine environments in the north. During winter the reindeer become excellent in conserving energy and nitrogen obtained from the diet and catabolized from body tissues. Regards, Thanks for all the info on lichens, I’m a manager on the Board Of Island Managers of Burlington City, N.J., the oldest non profit educational charter in the entire U.S.A. est. Lichen is grown commercially in Scandinavia. λειχω (LEAK-ho) means to lick and  λειχην (leak-NEE) is an eruption. The Reindeer Moss products are intended for interior use only. Also Usnea lichens do not change color during the growing season whereas lichen which closely resemble Usnea do. While 96% of the 10,000 species of mushrooms are not edible (including the one to four percent that will definitely kill you ) only two lichen out of some 20,000 are what we would call poisonous, Letharia vulpina (leth-AH-ree-a vul-PEEN-ah) and Vulpicida pinastri, (vul-pis-EYE-dah pin-AST-try or wol-peek-EE-dah pin-ass-tree)) or Wolf Lichen and Powdered Sunshine Lichen… and conveniently they are both yellow, Wolf Lichen a greenish yellow and the Sunshine Lichen a sulphur yellow. Unprepared lichen taste like aspirin. I made this post because of the interest aroused by the misleading, Reindeer moss is composed of 94% carbohydrates. From: Nutritive value of terricolous lichens for reindeer in winter, Storeheier et al. Many thanks. In fact, it it estimated that 50% of all lichen have medical applications but Usnea are especially good externally on wounds and the like. Edible mushrooms that are mediocre or better are somewhere around 30%. Lichens grow very slowly, one or two centimeters a year, and can live to be three thousand years old, and can stay in tact another 10,000 years. Hi Green Deane, I am looking to contact you. They play an important role in our natural ecosystems and can let us know when those ecosystems are in trouble. By using our Services or clicking I agree, you agree to our use of cookies. 99 List Price $12.99 $ 12 . This is the lichen mentioned in the Bible when it showered starving Israelis with “manna rain”; Alectoria, aka Black Tree Lichen, Indians steamed it for two days in pits, was eaten or dried and powdered for mush or thickener. This moss is not a true moss … It covers immense areas and serves as pasture for reindeer, moose, caribou, and musk oxen. There are actually five different kinds of lichen: Those that grow in clumps as the one shown here, those that grow in flakes commonly seen on trees, crust lichen, often seen on cemetery stones, lichen that looks like a combination of flakes and crust, and a class called Leprous for powdery patches (so named by the ancient Greek Dioscorides because they resemble the lesions of leprosy.) Sw. renlav), grey reindeer lichen, or (misleadingly) reindeer moss, is a light-colored, fruticose species of lichen, belonging to the family Cladoniaceae.It grows in both hot and cold climates in well-drained, open environments. It is most prevalent in the boreal forests of Canada, and throughout the tundra. Use care to remove the lichen with as little soil attached as possible. Another method is to soak them with hardwood ashes. There are three surprising things about lichen. Lichens are beautiful, especially when you view a lichen-drenched Douglas-fir or a colorful crust-covered cliff, and up close when viewed under a hand-lens or microscope. Collect reindeer moss while it is fresh and pliable, but not wet. She mentions in thread that she had a vole too. As the Reindeer Moss is stabilized, the lichen does not provide any nutritional ground. Learn how your comment data is processed. Spanish Moss is not edible but does have some medicinal applications. Then you slice it off and put it in stews and the like. And though internally toxic from vulpinic acid they can be used on external wounds and sores. C. rangiferina, however, stops its southward migration in the United States with the end of the Appalachian Trail. I always harvest the lichen that has been blown off the rock face by storms and not off the rocks itself. I did treat it with ash water, but not sure it was neccesary. Reindeer lichen, a fruticose lichen found in great abundance in Arctic lands. Reindeer moss form a mutual or symbiosis relationship between them and other animals by forming new soil and stabilize eroding sand which helps them and other plants grow more sufficiently. My mother remembers her mother using prepared lichen to make a pudding, probably as a thickener. I'm at my limit of understanding on that topic, and anything further from me would just be parroting others. You can find more information and a detailed description about creating your own moss wall in our blog. Wash well for grit and discard the little hard knot where it attaches to the rock. In fact, they take very well to dish gardens and don’t have to be watered. I suppose a stomach ache can be stimulating. As the Reindeer Moss is stabilized, the lichen does not provide any nutritional ground. You could actually leave foot prints in the lichen like those left in snow… and unknowingly crushing centuries of growth at the same time. Reindeer moss is the common term for Cladonia, a species of lichen that is a favorite food of reindeer and caribou. Lichen can also collect a lot of pollution in those years. https://originaloutdoors.co.uk/bushcraft-general/reindeer-moss-food-uses Never gave me a stomach ache. Add the Iceland moss and the sugar and simmer for 10 minutes. Normally you will find it on a thin layer of soil on top of rocks. The lichen you may be thinking of partaking could be older than you are or was alive when the ancient Greeks were. I have several more analyses of lichen food values, and they're all around the values that Nieminen and Storeheier give. Mix it with rye, flour, wheat flour and salt, then gradually add boiling water, and stir well, until you have a stiff but pliable dough. As for exactly how many toxic lichen there are, well, two for certain, and maybe a 100 more. That easy to remember. showed that for the Cladonia Stellaris whole plant: Protein %: 2.7Fat % : 2.6Fibre %: 81.6 (Celluloses and lignin)Water soluble Sugars %: 0.6-1.8% (a general figure). Bet there's a ton of this type of footage from many contestants, that didn't make it onto the show. The reindeer moss is eaten by both caribou and reindeer, generally speaking, it grows in Canada and in tundra regions. Lichen that resemble Usnea do not have this white cord. Press J to jump to the feed. Cladonia Rangiferina is also known as reindeer moss, reindeer lichen, because it is a vital source of food eaten by reindeer. Ten people try to survive as long as they can Alone in the wilderness with only the 10 they've selected. It takes a lichenologist to know for sure, but fortunately lichen are not like mushrooms. It was viewed as an alternative to grain alcohol. There are two versions of how the word lichen came to be, both of them from the same Greek root. This very slow-growing lichen is often dried and used in craft projects. Irish Gaelic (Gaeilge) isn’t too different. Usnea lichens have an elastic white chord running through the center of the main stem. SarcoSelect, our Signature Product, is a research-based functional food specifically designed to optimize muscle mass and function. I don’t concider this one food. Product Title Black Preserved Reindeer Moss - 2 oz - Indoor Outdoo ... Average rating: 0 out of 5 stars, based on 0 reviews Current Price $10.99 $ 10 . There's a reason we want to eat a varied diet in our daily life. Maybe the Scandinavians of old were on to something. It grows on the ground and on rocks. Though the term moss is used, there is no such structural resemblance to moss. Reindeer have two favourite foods; Moss and carrots. To get around that you freeze the stomach and its content. All rights reserved. Akvavit comes from the Latin phrase Aqua Vite, which means “water of life.”  The Irish word “whisky” is from the same Latin phrase and means the same thing: “water of life.”  Akvavit/whisky…aqua vite….The obvious conclusion is the Irish spoke ancient Latin with more of an accent than the Scandinavians. 46. It's not even a plant; it's a lichen. Reindeer Moss Preserved Floral Decorative Moss for Dressing Potted Plants, Fairy Garden, Terrariums and Many Other Crafts, 7 Ounce (Green) 3.8 out of 5 stars 212 $18.99 $ 18 . We have a lot of the gray kind here, the shorter flat gray kind and the deer moss, such as the photo you have of the reindeer moss, and did see the yellow and knew that it was not the edible kind… Just wandering how much can one eat, and how to prepare it. Thanks for the article! I would really like to ask you about Your geographic location and get into some more particulars about your experience/methods of preparing rock tripe. The result was a concoction known as "stomach ice cream". But, if the lichen you are looking at has any yellow parts, or is yellow, it is best not to eat it. It's the ultimate test of their will and survival skill. That should motivate you to prepare it correctly. Gyrophora,  aka Rock Tripe; Umbiliceria, also aka Rock Tripe, mucilaginous, used for thicken, has antibiotic properties; Historical Note: George Washington’s troops had to eat rock tripe during the deadly winter of 1777 at Valley Forge. Does the Reindeer Moss have a scent? Product Title Preserved Reindeer Moss 3lb - Chartreuse. Current Price $53.46 $ 53. No. The men just show off the meat they’ve gotten. One point to consider is whether to eat lichen at all in populated areas. I’ve watched many of your videos and I am very glad to have you in my pool of resources for foraging, both your youtube videos and this web site. People use carbohydrates as the vernacular term for starches, hence likely why there's so much confusion. They get all the moisture they need out of the air. This site uses Akismet to reduce spam. The water-soluble sugars and other micro and macro nutrients thus become available to the animals - the only way humans can access them is via their carcases, and wolverines wait for humans to do their processing for them! I view lichen as a small addition to a main meal. Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts. In winter, they make do with lichen (also called reindeer moss) and fungi, scraping the snow away with their hooves to get it. No one really knows. Cladonia rangiferina a fungus, commonly known as reindeer lichen or moss is mainly a lightly colored, fruticose variety of lichen and biologically belongs to the family of Cladoniaceae. Also eaten are Evernia, Sticta, Umbilicaria esculenta, Peltigera canina, and Aspicilia esculenta. I assume that you have eaten a meal size amount, would like to know more. Oh….You can also eat any lichen you find in the first stomach of a reindeer, but it’s messy and not too good tasting. Used in crafts and as miniature trees, reindeer moss must be preserved properly to avoid crumbling. Dark old mans beard contains a good deal of acid and causes cramps – I was stiff as a needle for several minutes after forcing down a whole plate of it only boiled, very stupidly. Having looked over lots of papers about reindeer moss, how reindeer/moose/caribou metabolize it, and reindeer farming supplement info, I'm sure that the 94% figure is the gross fiber content, of which only ~ 2% is a water soluble sugar - the digestible carbs humans can use. By the way, it burns readily and makes great kindling, or a small hot fire. reindeer moss The common name for the lichen Cladonia rangiferina and similar species, which form extensively branched podetia up to about 8 cm tall; in C. rangiferina the apices of the branches are slender and curved, typically all in the same direction. I think a few times we see stuff like berries being eaten with meat. and looks quite different. Then it can be added to various foods, wet or dry  but must be cooked well. It’s called a jellyfish but is really a colony of different life forms, one group whose job is defense and they sting painfully. Reindeer moss, also known as caribou moss, is a primary source of food for both of these animals. The indigenous people of Canada make frequent use of reindeer moss in their diet, though it’s as more of a filler than a primary food source. Most animals don’t eat moss. Even if all chewy and unpleasant flavored mushrooms are included, the number is way lower than that. Sep 21, 2017 — What we call reindeer moss is nothing of the kind. A method used in China is to boil lichen for 30 minutes and then soak for two days in several changes of water. Your help will be greatly appreciated. Be sure to at least double-boil any moss and lichens, as they accumulate insects, bacteria, and other potential stomach-churners. (around the 2% level). Quite a lot of research has been done on the nutrition values of the various food available to the reindeer herd (it's big business after all!) I am interested in eating the lichens, and noted the Cladonias is “reindeer moss.” Saw a site claiming it was toxic is one does more than drink just one glass of tea from it, but figured that you were right, boil it, and pour off the water, re-boil, and it will not cause nausea. I maintain the trails on our 400 acre natural island in the middle of the Delaware River. Some versions add far more sugar but that is not traditional. The reindeer moss has been used also as medicine by natives for easing kidney pain and even to combat diarrhea. Average Rating: (3.0) out of 5 stars 2 ratings, based on 2 reviews. The modern version of that is to soak them in a 1% solution of potash. I hadn’t heard of it before. Ordering Details for Patients. After discarding the soaking water they are boiled and that water discarded, or they are steamed. One of the most widespread and commonly eaten lichen, by beast and brute alike, is a northern version of what you see above, Cladonia rangiferina, (ran-jiff-er-EYE-nah or ran-ghif-er-EE-nah)  also known as Cladina rangiferina — both Latin for many branching reindeer like. You need approximately 8kg per square meter for a moss wall made with reindeer moss. Caribou Moss. Certainly needs treating with ash water or by other method. What source of info on lichens in the U.S. are there? The Reindeer Moss products are intended for interior use only. It's not actually a "moss", but a lichen, Cladonia rangiferina, although similar varieties are often called "Reindeer Moss". Some Arctic inhabitants mixed the partly digested lichen from caribou stomachs with raw fish eggs. the winter diet of both reindeer and caribou consists of more than 50% lichens. Makes you wonder if any of them diversify. ), a Greek botanist, used the term to describe superficial growth on the bark of Olive trees, as if it had been licked up. http://www.schoolofhealth.com/docs/SOH/Provings/Proving_of_Reindeer_Moss_BLK_FINAL.pdf. Thank you. Does the Reindeer Moss have a scent? (4 to 8 kg) of vegetation a day, according to the San Diego Zoo.In the winter, reindeer must dig through the snow to find food. They are then ready to eat, plain or mixed with other things, or dried and added to flour or as a thickener to soups. The amount of acid varies from species to species with the Cladonias, especially C. rangiferina, being among the most nutritious and the least acidic.
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