He will avenge the people on their oppressor. 'OLD] has already been noticed, had oppressed Israel (cf. But he met with opposition from the turbulent nobility and the clergy, who had been deprived of many privileges, and he failed to conciliate the communes, which were oppressed by taxes and beginning to aspire to autonomy. But he could hardly be said seriously to have oppressed the subject cities, and technically all the League money was spent on League business, for Athena, to whom the chief monuments in Athens were reared, was the patron goddess of the League. The Jesuits now gained the upper hand; one by one the liberal provisions of the constitution were modified or annulled; the Protestants were harried and oppressed; and a rigorous censorship forbade any free discussion of internal politics. hace 3 segundos 1 Nonviolence is a means of controlling the most rebellious of the oppressed. Learn more. The former community was, he says, sorely oppressed by the covetous Cistercians. Baron Hirsch (q.v.) The people are oppressed by the military goverment. Before they took power(Sentencedict.com), they felt, 25. Inasmuch as the working class and the other exploited and oppressed social layers make up the majority oppressed as the struggle to oppressed because of race oppressed by her surroundings world's neediest and oppressed a peculiar exhaustion, I am so oppressed, doctor, set in - English Only forum are you oppressed wearing hijab - English Only forum : The term is an antiquated yoke of oppression, politically, culturally and socially. Oppressed in a sentence. What does oppress mean? In opposing Napoleon, " the oppressor of Europe and the disturber of the world's peace," Alexander in fact already believed himself to be fulfilling a divine mission. I have never felt lonesome, or in the least oppressed by a sense of solitude, but once, and that was a few weeks after I came to the woods, when, for an hour, I doubted if the near neighborhood of man was not essential to a serene and healthy life. 3. the German Leibeigenschaft) and the villein or roturier, who is only bound to perform certain duties and ought not to be further oppressed by the landowners on whose soil he is settled (Beaumanoir, Coutume de Beauvaisis). So they cruelly oppressed the Israelites for twenty years. The political situation has grown increasingly oppressive. How to use several in a sentence. Oppressed; Oppressing; Oppresses; Oppress (base) 1. perhaps cautionary tales that circulated among oppressed and ignorant people came to be believed. He desired England to be everywhere the protector of the oppressed and the upholder of "true religion.". In that year the first plot against the Viscontian rule, hatched by the twelve and the Salimbeni and fomented by the Florentines, was violently repressed, and caused the twelve to be again driven from office; but in the following year a special balia, created in consequence of that riot, annulled the ducal suzerainty and restored the liberties of Siena. Copyright © 2020 LoveToKnow. Most of these have been important in focusing and sustaining the self-identity of people oppressed by racism. The oppressed list of example sentences with oppressed. They do not represent the opinions of YourDictionary.com. 97 examples: Their justifications for the public sector rested on the injustices of material… On the other hand is the mass of toiling Israelites, whose oppressed condition is a prelude to the later dissensions (1 Kings v. Here, too, he began that series of interferences on behalf of the oppressed and the ill-treated which, whatever mixture of motives may have prompted it, is an honour to his memory. For the first time in Iraq's modern history the Shias, a long oppressed majority, are likely to take power. Religion is the sigh of the oppressed creature, the heart of a heartless world, and the soul of soulless conditions. Though Berar was no longer oppressed by its Mahratta taskmasters nor harried by Pindari and Bhil raiders, it remained long a prey to the turbulent elements let loose by the sudden cessation of the wars. . He uses stealthy means to savagely oppress the common people. In after ages the oppressed people saw in his love for Israel and his patient resignation their own realized ideal. Example sentences with the word oppress. To the souls of the good there is reserved a life beyond the ocean, and a country oppressed by neither rain, nor snow, nor heat, but refreshed by a gentle west wind blowing continually from the sea (cf. As tax-farmer he oppressed the non-Jewish cities and so won the admiration of Josephus. Here the object of the insurgents was in most cases to break down the local oligarchy, who engrossed all municipal office and oppressed the meaner citizens; but in less numerous instances their end was to win charters from lords (almost always ecclesiastical lords) who had hitherto refused to grant them. The oppressed group is seen as less than human; their value is purely monetary; they are in fact, property ' . 5. Italy was and ever has been a land of cities; and, ever since the downfall of Rome and the decay of the municipal system, the bishops of the cities had really been at the head of the peaceful and industrial part of their population, and were a natural refuge for the oppressed, and sometimes for the mutinous and the evil doers, from the military and civil powers of the duke or count or judge, too often a rule of cruelty or fraud. How to use oppress in a sentence. The vast majority of those who support NATO do so because they understand that the Kosovars were being brutally oppressed by Milosevic. 13, Summers in Houston can be oppressive. oppressed groups such as women or ethnic minorities. Oppressed in a sentence. Damaged or different people drawn to find spiritual kinship among oppressed people perhaps? If you feel oppressed at work or home, getting together with other gay singles and couples and enjoying the beauty and culture of Europe without a care in the world might be the breath of fresh air you need. Duke Richard, on the other hand, considered himself as wrongfully oppressed, and excluded from his legitimate position as a prince of the blood and a chief councillor of the crown. Under Cairbre Cinnchait (" cathead ") the oppressed peoples succeeded in wresting the sovereignty from the Milesians, whose princes and nobles were almost exterminated (A.D. It seemed that the realization of his life's dream, 28. 2. All Rights Reserved. He was a rebel rising against the oppressor. nationalityhe other causes Holyoake championed were a free press, the rights of women and the liberation of oppressed nationalities. Learn more. John had oppressed his subjects in this way before he visited a district for purposes of sport, and the hardship was a real one. Example sentences with the word several. oppressed adjective (FEELINGS) worried and uncomfortable: She felt oppressed and discouraged in such an unfriendly environment. How to use oppress in a sentence. Towards the end of the 17th ing legal protection to all, has altered the slavish character of the oppressed Irish. Example sentences with the word oppression. 24); he maintains the cause of the oppressed provinces of Spain and Africa; and he exposes the iniquities of the informer Regulus, the only living man whom he attacks in his Letters, going so far as to denounce him as omnium bipedum nequissimus (i. At the same time an appeal, written by Tolstoy and some of his friends, requesting the help of public opinion in favour of the oppressed Doukhobors, was circulated in St Petersburg and sent to the emperor and higher government officials. a Liberal monarchy, would not only not intervene in the internal affairs of other countries, but would not permit other powers to do so, aroused great hopes among the oppressed peoples, and was the immediate cause of a revolution in Romagna and the Marches. It was something white by the door--the statue of a sphinx, which also oppressed him. Example sentences with the word oppressive. The Soviet Press knows how to describe in lurid terms the fate of the oppressed peasants in Poland. Oppress definition, to burden with cruel or unjust impositions or restraints; subject to a burdensome or harsh exercise of authority or power: a people oppressed by totalitarianism. These methods will only stoke the fire of resentment among the oppressed. The oppressed definition: people who are subjugated by cruelty , force, etc | Meaning, pronunciation, translations and examples The definition of oppress is to keep something down using cruel or unjust power. The word usage examples above have been gathered from various sources to reflect current and historial usage. Lutheranism was more attractive to grand-ducal patriots and well-to-do burghers than to the poor and oppressed and disinherited. It was under the name of al-mandi that Mokhtar proclaimed `Ali's son Mahommed as the opponent of the caliph Abdalmalik, and, according to Shahrastani, the doctrine of the mandi, the hidden deliverer who is one day to appear and fill the oppressed world with righteousness, first arose in connexion with a belief that this Mahommed had not died but lived concealed at Mount Radwa, near Mecca, guarded by a lion and a panther. Oppressed by the weight of his crimes, he summoned the unyielding prior to shrive his soul. The oppressed list of example sentences with oppressed. 46 sentence examples: 1. One of the most common charges against Burke was that he allowed his imagination and pity to be touched only by the sorrows of kings and queens, and forgot the thousands of oppressed and famine-stricken toilers of the land. This agreement is known as the Pact of Rome, because it was publicly proclaimed at a " Congress of the Oppressed Nationalities of Austria-Hungary," held on April 8 in the Roman Capitol. They were long greatly oppressed by the Dutch government, and in 1740 they were massacred to the number of 12,000. To the oppressed on earth. But convincing proof of its authenticity lies in Macarius' reference to himself as merely archbishop of Jerusalem, and his avowal that he was unwilling to advise the Armenians, "being oppressed by the weakness of the authority conceded him by the weighty usages of the church.". The Jesuits who had accompanied or followed the da Gama expedition into Abyssinia, and fixed their headquarters at Fremona (near Adowa), were oppressed and neglected, but not actually expelled. unprincipled men " whose conduct oppressed him. 10. Oppress definition, to burden with cruel or unjust impositions or restraints; subject to a burdensome or harsh exercise of authority or power: a people oppressed by totalitarianism. The peasant proprietors, who, under the name of the " Landtmanna" party,' formed a compact majority in the Second Chamber, pursued a consistent policy of class interests in the matter of the taxes and burdens that had, as they urged, so long oppressed the Swedish peasantry; and consequently when a bill was introduced for superseding the old system of army organization by general compulsory service, they demanded as a condition of its acceptance that the military burdens should be more evenly distributed in the country, and that the taxes, which they regarded as a burden under which they had wrongfully groaned for centuries, should be abolished. oppressive example sentences. Then the oppressed nation took courage and began to demand pardon for the innocent and even justice upon murderers. oppressive example sentences. The oppressed clergy and peasantry regarded Valdemar as their natural deliverer; but so poor and friendless was he that the work of redemption proved painfully slow. According to the highly intricate introduction the Hebrews were oppressed: (a) to familiarize them with warfare - it is assumed that they had intermarried with the Canaanites and worshipped their gods (iii. : Only through genuine communion can the suffering and oppression of some become real to all. ‘He has oppressed our people and caused great hardship for too long.’ ‘As a country's economy grows, more men gain the material strength to exploit and oppress women.’ ‘It's also true that they have been oppressing their own people and conducting a campaign of abuse against women that justifies international intervention.’ Oppress definition: To oppress people means to treat them cruelly, or to prevent them from having the same... | Meaning, pronunciation, translations and examples John surrounded himself with evil counsellors, Simon de Buci, Robert de Lorris, Nicolas Braque, men of low origin who robbed the treasury and oppressed the people, while the king gave himself up to tournaments and festivities. See more. Oppress definition, to burden with cruel or unjust impositions or restraints; subject to a burdensome or harsh exercise of authority or power: a people oppressed by totalitarianism. 2. Thus, he would sally forth by night to seek for the destitute and oppressed. At length Mycerinus, son of Cheops and successor of Chephren, reopened the temples and, although he built the Third Pyramid, allowed the oppressed people to return to their proper occupations. It is not wonderful that the Quakers, persecuted and oppressed at home and in New England, should turn their eyes to the unoccupied parts of America, and cherish the hope of founding, amidst their woods, some refuge from oppression, and some likeness of a city of God upon earth. "The principal oppressed the faculty with his constant criticism and bullying." The whole constitution of society, in fact, seems to the sage a lamentable thing: the poor are oppressed, the earth is full of their cries, and there is no helper (iv. The oppressive afternoon heat had quite tired him out. 3. 2. as a vacant fief of the empire; but Dietrich, called the Oppressed, secured the mark after Henry's death in 1197. 4. 10, The oppressive heat and humidity make that smell stronger. Oppressed definition: People who are oppressed are treated cruelly or are prevented from having the same... | Meaning, pronunciation, translations and examples Meanwhile it had needed all the diplomatic armoury of the powers to prevent Mahmud hastening to the assistance of his "oppressed subjects.". Oppressed … We ought to encourage the empowerment of all those who feel oppressed or downtrodden. Before him they were resisted and often crushed; after him they were exploited, oppressed, and finally destroyed. With the consent of his partner he resolved to go to Spain on behalf of the oppressed natives, and the result of his representations was that in 1516 Cardinal Jimenes caused a commission to be sent out for the reform of abuses, Las Casas himself, with the title of "protector of the Indians," being appointed to advise and report on them. Find another word for oppressed. The Jews had been expelled from England by Edward I., after a sojourn in the country of rather more than two centuries, during which they had been the licensed and oppressed money-lenders of the realm, and had - through the special exchequer of the Jews - been used by the sovereign as a means of extorting a revenue from his subjects. The problem is complicated by the fact that, from the Egyptian evidence, not only was there at this time no remarkable emigration of oppressed Hebrews, but Bedouin tribes were then receiving permission to enter Egypt and to feed their flocks upon Egyptian soil. The bustle and terror of the Rostovs' last days in Moscow stifled the gloomy thoughts that oppressed Sonya. Copyright © 2016 sentencedict.com All Rights Reserved Contact. V2: 2 they have greatly oppressed me from my youth, but they have not gained the victory over me. Meaning, pronunciation, picture, example sentences, grammar, usage notes, synonyms and more. Now the previously silent, oppressed masses can form a multitude capable of bringing about radical steps in the liberation of humankind. Examples of oppress in a sentence, how to use it. What does oppress mean? Sentencedict.com try its best to collect and create good sentences. Anxious and worried. And we should not oppress or surrender each other. How to use oppressed in a sentence. of Jerusalem), the interest of the history is in David's former relations with Israel at Saul's court, and he is regarded as the future deliverer of the oppressed people. A mockery of popular institutions, under the name of a burgher council, indeed existed; but this was a mere delusion, and must not be confounded with the system of local government by means of district burgher councils which that most able man, Commissioner de Mist, sought to establish during the brief government of the Batavian Republic from 1803 to 1806, when the Dutch nation, convinced and ashamed of the false policy by which they had permitted a mere money-making association to disgrace the Batavian name, and to entail degradation on what might have been a free and prosperous colony, sought to redeem their error by making this country a national colonial possession, instead of a slavish property, to be neglected, oppressed or ruined, as the caprice or avarice of its merchant owners might dictate. : They condemned attempts by the government to oppress its citizens. It is desirable in the first place to realize the condition of Italy at the time when the irruption of the French and the expulsion of the Austrians opened up a new political vista for that oppressed and divided people. 4. Examples of Oppress in a sentence. "People with blue eyes are being oppressed by those with brown eyes" would mean brown-eyed people were denying the rights of blue-eyed people. oppressed who will suffer the terrible consequences of the crisis. 4. Definition of oppressed adjective in Oxford Advanced Learner's Dictionary. She was oppressed by her many woes. founded the Jewish colonial association, which has undertaken vast colonizing and educational enterprises, especially in Argentina, and more recently the Jewish territorial organization has been started to found a home for the oppressed Jews of Russia. A constant restlessness oppressed him; his sight gave way; his conversation became an extraordinary mixture of metaphors; and it was only at intervals that gleams of his former power broke out, … . This success recommended him to the people of Spain, more particularly to the Lusitanian tribes in the west, whom Roman generals and governors of Sulla's party had plundered and oppressed. Oppression in a sentence (1) Oppression maketh a wise man mad. The helpless natives were oppressed and robbed by the company and its servants in every possible way. In a few weeks he collected thousands of so-called Kuruczok (a corruption of Cruciati), consisting for the most part of small yeomen, peasants, wandering students, friars and parish priests, the humblest and most oppressed portion of the community, to whom alone a crusade against the Turk could have the slightest attraction. The winners were hailed throughout Greece as champions of the oppressed. See more. Withal there was no noise or confusion to mar the tranquillity of their intercourse; no one usurped more than his share of the conversation; the stillness of the place oppressed a stranger with a feeling of mysterious awe. The definition of oppress is to keep something down using cruel or unjust power. Many troubles oppressed my father. 4 Hussarek insisted that there were no oppressed peoples in Austria, that on the contrary her constitution assured to the several nationalities a status of equal rights like that of no other state on earth, and he gave a warning against its destruction - a vain appeal to reason. Sentences ... these are what make life difficult, these are the sources of oppression. 3. 1. -racked. Though patient and good-tempered in the main, they have a latent warmth of temper, and if oppressed beyond a certain limit they would fiercely turn upon their tormentors. The condition of his subjects was deplorable, and if Cesare's rule in Romagna was an improvement on that of the local tyrants, the people of Rome have seldom been more oppressed than under the Borgia. (2) Oppression provoked the people to rebellion. His wars and his extravagance exhausted his treasury, and he oppressed his subjects by taxes. The oppressed had no hope of. 97 examples: Having created a viciously oppressive system of laws and rules, the government… Exaction followed exaction, and in 1802 Russia resolved to assert her treaty rights in favour of the oppressed inhabitants of the principalities. ', After his two years in the French galleys, if not before, Knox suffered permanently from gravel and dyspepsia, and he confesses that his nature "was for the most part oppressed with melancholy.". His sympathies were always with the poor and the, 30. Governor Tryon manifested no sympathy for the oppressed and sought only the thorough suppression of the disturbance, which was organized in the spring of 1768 by Regulators, " for regulating public grievances and abuses of power.". The European merchants above Khartum had sold their posts to Arab agents, who oppressed the natives in every conceivable fashion. But neither Sheridan nor Fox was capable of that sustained and overflowing indignation at outraged justice and oppressed humanity, that consuming moral fire, which burst forth again and again from the chief manager of the impeachment, with such scorching might as drove even the cool and intrepid Hastings beyond all self-control, and made him cry out with protests and exclamations like a criminal writhing under the scourge. The new laws will be just as oppress Every child dreams of slaying dragons, hitting the game-winning homerun, rescuing the oppressed and exacting justice on the villain. ‘Rather, like oppressed people everywhere, he draws integrity from inner resources.’ ‘In the Balkans these insurrections resulted in a gradual liberation of most of the oppressed peoples.’ ‘Everywhere in the world we see that the oppressed people take their anger out more readily on … 2. The magazine gave voice to hundreds of, 24. It should be difficult, after the copious details of this autobiography de luxe of the Czech nation in the year 1916, to speak of it historically as an " oppressed " nation of Austria. He had dedicated his life to bettering the lot of the. 0. But she felt oppressed by the fact that the mood of everyone around her was so far from what was in her own heart. A constant restlessness oppressed him; his sight gave way; his conversation became an extraordinary mixture of metaphors; and it was only at intervals that gleams of his former power broke out, especially when some old chord of association was struck in natural science or physical geography. She is the daughter of Ouranos and Gaia; and after Metis she becomes the bride of Zeus.6 Pindar describes her as born in a golden car from the primeval Oceanus, source of all things, to the sacred height of Olympus to be the consort of Zeus the saviour; and she bears the same august epithet, as the symbol of social justice and the refuge for the oppressed. Preserved merely as taxpayers necessary to supply the funds for the maintenance of the dominant and military class, according to a foreign observer in 1571, they had been so degraded and oppressed that they dared not look a Turk in the face. Definition of oppressed adjective in Oxford Advanced American Dictionary. The dictator uses fear to oppress his people. Use "oppressed" in a sentence. oppression example sentences. It'seemed that the realisation of his life's dream, 22. This self defense is characterized as “violence” because revolution is only seen as legitimate when it’s on the terms of the oppressors. This freedom is one that allows the oppressed to voice discontent about an oppressor. The vigour and success with which he organized the national resources and upheld the national honour, asserted the British sovereignty of the seas, defended the oppressed, and caused his name to be feared and respected in foreign courts where that of Stuart was despised and neglected, command praise and admiration equally from contemporaries and from modern critics, from his friends and from his opponents. Wherever the cry of the oppressed goes up from Greek against Greek, it was the voice of Athens which should first remind the oppressor that Heliene differed from barbarian in postponing the use of force to the persuasions of equal law. 12, The silence in the meeting was becoming oppressive. Examples of oppressive in a sentence, how to use it. Oppress definition: To oppress people means to treat them cruelly, or to prevent them from having the same... | Meaning, pronunciation, translations and examples By the inclusion of the Philistines among the oppressors, and of Judah, Benjamin and Ephraim among the oppressed (x. Funds were immediately raised by sympathizers for alleviating the sufferings of the starving victims. He was no friend of arbitrary government; but he judged it better that oppressed nationalities and persecuted Liberals should suffer than that Europe should be again plunged into war. He was good-natured when not crossed, generous to dependents who made themselves useful to him, and indefatigable in defending the cause of those who were oppressed by the systems with which he was at war. The soft whispering voice continued its rhythmic murmur, something oppressed him and stretched out, and the strange face was before him. was inimical to the interests of Brandenburg, which was ravaged by the Poles, torn by the strife of contending clerical factions, and alternately neglected and oppressed by the margrave. They all live in the same home and the women appear far from oppressed when interviewed. The exiled oppressor of her people had to die, and she had to be sure of it. The Czechs rightly refer to this period 300 years ago when they describe themselves as a once oppressed nation. Cyprus was now harshly governed by a lieutenant, and the condition of the natives, who had been much oppressed under the Lusignan dynasty, became worse. They were deposited in the heart of Athens, and henceforth escaped slaves and all persons in peril sought and found sanctuary at the grave of him who in his life had been a champion of the oppressed. shatter the whole rotten structure of the Habsburg monarchy, which survived only owing to the apathy of the populations it oppressed. He differs from Amos, however, in being more deeply in sympathy with the sufferings of the oppressed peasantry. Its efforts in support of this oppressed group may presage a positive direction for Japanese religiosity. Around them the darkness was absolute, the silence oppressive. : Hamas claims to be fighting for freedom while invoking laws that oppress women and religious minorities. several example sentences. I was oppressed by a premonition of something terrible that had happened or was about to happen. The Jews of America have also taken a foremost place in the succour of their oppressed brethren in Russia and other parts of the world. Thus was the once cheerful town of Dalton oppressed with a grievous pestilence, and many inhabitants were its victims. He should not be oppressed. 97 examples: In this understanding the church takes on the role of champion of the… They oppress, depress and divide the forces of possible resistance, and turn ordinary pe 24 synonyms of oppressed from the Merriam-Webster Thesaurus, plus 59 related words, definitions, and antonyms. self-identity of people oppressed by racism. Throughout history, racist groups have tried to oppress minorities by way of force and fear. Machines serve us: technology serves us; our habits oppress us, and enslave us. sally forth by night to seek for the destitute and oppressed. These people often are oppressed by the governments of the countries they find themselves in. Oppressed definition: People who are oppressed are treated cruelly or are prevented from having the same... | Meaning, pronunciation, translations and examples Oppressed peoples have a fundamental right to self defense. Home; Uncategorized; oppressive make sentence; oppressive make sentence. Those natives who retained land were often oppressed by their stronger neighbours, and sometimes actually swindled out of their property.
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