Interested in learning more about the jigsaw method and how it can accelerate student learning in your classroom? John Hattie even found that it was one of the only activities in his model that helped students acquire and consolidate both surface and deep knowledge. For example, John Hattie's recent update to his list of influences on student learning indicates that the jigsaw approach has an effect size of 1.20. The Method . Click here to learn more about this method. Despite their varied approaches and terminology, all agree on a number of powerful strategies. I have four chunks of content for them to learn and so there are four people per group. A meta-analysis of the effects of face-to-face cooperative learning. He discovered that the effect size for the Jigsaw method was very large (1.2). The Jigsaw Method. Jigsaw helps teachers cover more content in a shorter amount of time. In an ideal situation, there would be four, five, or six sections of material that must be studied. As with any learning process with independence and interdependence as the goals, effective use of the jigsaw technique begins with teacher modeling. You can also encourage students to use technology to create their Expert presentation/notes. Hattie’s Top Effect Sizes …. You can do this by having them count off or by drawing straws or even, once they’re familiar with the process, by letting the students pick the chunk they want to be responsible for. The one teaching strategy that is identified as working for acquiring and consolidating surface and deep learning … One should consider Visible Learning as a primary source of information for where to start impacting learning within one's school district. In this session, Laurie Ferry will explore Hattie’s model, provide example tasks and provide resources for where to find rich tasks for all K-12 math classrooms. out a strategy that not only helped in the situation as it was but also has a huge effect size, which Dr. John Hattie had discovered. These strategies are reflected in this HITS Prompts reboot their hunt for prior knowledge they alr… It’s exactly the same as the Jigsaw I method listed above, but does add one step at the end regarding the assessment. And, to learn more about Hattie and Donoghue’s learning model and their ideas around the skill, will and thrill, read How Do You Know When A Teaching Strategy Is Most Effective? John Hattie’s Difficulty and Complexity Model clarifies what it means to provide rigor in math tasks. “The Jigsaw Method is a teaching strategy. The method also has other benefits, including (source): The jigsaw method is based on the idea that students learn best when they have to teach others. As educators, we are always looking for the best ways to help our students learn. John Hattie developed a way of synthesizing various influences in different meta-analyses according to their effect size (Cohen’s d). We acknowledge the financial support of the Province of BC. The Jigsaw Classroom; Why Use Jigsaws THE JIGSAW METHOD. resources, including Hattie, Lemov, Marzano, and the Teaching and Learning Toolkit*, have used slightly different methodologies to measure effect size and identify HITS. Out of 130 learning factors, the Jigsaw method ranked 7th. Groups should be diverse and set by the teacher, at least while students are learning the process. What are the most effective teaching strategies? 59,000 poor children in BC were under the age of six. Jigsaw is fun. “Hattie found that the average effect size of all the interventions he studied was 0.40.” (Source). Allow them to choose how they will share their learning; it’s more powerful that way. This cooperative learning strategy increases student engagement, encourages collaboration, and results in better learning. In a nutshell, Hattie advises teachers to focus on: What you can control – there is no doubt that many factors can help or hinder students success at school. While some of these factors are outside your control, focus on those one you can control or at least influence This shows a problem in an Educational authority deciding on what is important. They act as mirrors, windows, and sliding glass doors where children can see both themselves and the experiences of others.They can help to ... READ MORE, Did you know that there is a BC’s Office of the Human Rights Commissioner? Group members then take an individual test on the material, the results of which contribute to a team score. The jigsaw technique is a method of organizing classroom activity that makes students dependent on each other to succeed. If you’re interested in running a jigsaw activity in your classroom, follow this simple six-step guide: Step 1: Organize students into groups of 4-6. Research by John Hattie and Greg Donoghue indicates that it depends on a number of factors, including where students are in the learning cycle and what the purpose of the learning is. That’s true validity. I would recommend you try it once a week in your classroom. Potential to accelerate student achievement Likely to have positive impact on student achievement Likely to have small positive impact on student achievement Before the process can begin, the teacher must first examine the content that the students are to learn and divide it up into manageable chunks. Learning to evaluate graphs is a media literacy skill. In Jigsaw II, they still receive an individual score. That’s powerful! John Hattie Has An Idea. But they also receive a second score that is the average of the group’s score. Hattie in a Nutshell. Jigsaw activities are not a new innovation in education. If I see that there is confusion about an idea, I can add clarifying content to the Site that they can access as we work. It is useful for organizing student group work,” says Jordan Catapano. Each “It helps students collaborate and rely on one another.”. In Jigsaw I, students are assessed individually and receive just one score. Much of Hattie’s thinking on transfer is influenced by research done by Ference Marton, whose work is largely qualitative. The other students listen carefully and should take notes or use a graphic organizer to jot down ideas. Hattie’s research is based on 25 years of work and more than 1,500 meta-analyses of 90,000 studies involving more than 300 million students. They compare their ideas about the content and then, as an Expert Group, prepare a visual aid to use when they return to their Home Groups to teach. var em2 = "@" John Hattie found the jigsaw method to have an effect size of 1.2. In their seminal review of learning research, first published as the book Visible Learning in 2008 and updated periodically in list form, John Hattie and Gregory Donoghue describe the jigsaw activity as having the “potential to considerably accelerate student achievement.” They noted that it was the only instructional strategy they looked at that worked across all four of the crucial “learning quadrants,” … document.write(''); To ensure that metacognition about the whole, and not just individual, expert learning, students meet one more time in their Expert Groups to discuss the whole content in light of their specific chunk of material. It breaks classes into groups and breaks assignments into pieces that the group assembles to complete the (jigsaw) puzzle. Cooperative learning strategy that effectively engages students and helps with comprehension of longer text. Have the students now move to meet with their Expert Groups. For example, John Hattie’s recent update to his list of influences on student learning indicates that the jigsaw approach has an effect size of 1.20. Questions are encouraged. They can then work through their content as they need to. There’s ... READ MORE, Diverse children’s books are good for all children. These will be the Home Groups. Jigsaw has a 1.2 effect size according to John Hattie's research. The visual aid can be notes, a graphic organizer, a drawing, a presentation, or anything they want. The jigsaw classroom is a research-based cooperative learning technique invented and developed in the early 1970s by Elliot Aronson and his students at the University of Texas and the University of California. What are the most effective teaching strategies? HATTIE: 1.2 effect size USEFUL FOR: virtually all subjects. In his ground-breaking study “ Visible Learning ” he ranked 138 influences that are related to learning outcomes from very positive effects to very negative effects. There’s also a Jigsaw III with time given for the Home Groups to review each other before the assessment and a Jigsaw IV where the teacher begins the unit of study by introducing the material (but not teaching all of it!). Get the latest TechNotes posts filled with the latest edtech resources and strategies delivered straight to your inbox. Dr. John Hattie conducted extensive metastudy analysis to include the Jigsaw Method. Jigsaw allows the teacher to drink coffee while the students teach the content. 1 year ago The Jigsaw Method. READ MORE, We tend to trust graphs because they’re based on facts. Assign one chunk of content to each person in the Home Group. When students feel they have reached a cognitive roadblock, they might just stop their thinking. (I don’t show them the corresponding emojis until after they’ve drawn their own.) Jigsaw works best if there are the same number of students in each group. An Online Wheel Spinner for Every Occasion, Google’s New Storage Policy: Avoid the Terror, Buzz Me In: Remote Learning Buzzers and Scoreboards, Five Free Tools to Create Educational Videos, Five Seesaw Holiday Activities for Your Virtual Classroom, 12 Learning Strategies and Their Ed Tech Tools, Ideas and Insights on Instructional Coaching, Five Tech Tools to Simplify Your Teaching Life, Comics and Graphic Novels: An Imagery Invasion, Why You Need to Hear These Speakers at TCEA 2021, Direct engagement by the students with the material to be learned instead of having material presented to them, which fosters depth of understanding, Practice in self-teaching, which is one of the most valuable skills we can help them learn, Practice in peer teaching, which requires them to understand the material at a deeper level than students typically do when simply asked to produce on an exam, Improvement in social-emotional learning, including increased feelings of autonomy, competence, and intrinsic motivation (Hänze & Berger, 2007), Speaking the language of the discipline and thus becoming more fluent in the use of discipline-based terminology, Encouraging cooperation and active learning and promoting the valuing of all students’ contributions. t 604.681.4199 | f 604.681.3006. Provide the content to the students (more on what that can look like later) and allow them time to … In their Home Groups, each person draws an emoji from laminated examples I set out and each emoji then corresponds to one chunk of the material. Provide the content to the students (more on what that can look like later) and allow them time to individually and silently study it. & What They Mean • #1 - Collective Teacher Efficacy o Build up, support & loveyour teachers o PLC Model • #2 - Self-Reported Grades o Student-directed learning; student agency • #3 - Teacher-Estimates of Achievement 10 Winter STEM Activities for Kids 21 Winter Science Experiments for Kids Must Try Winter STEM ... READ MORE, Do you know about child poverty in BC? John Hattie has ranked hundreds of educational interventions in terms of their effects on student achievement. The jigsaw method is an effective way to increase student engagement through group work that facilitates peer-to-peer learning. In this issue I’m reviewing another of John Hattie’s top ten: The Jigsaw Method. Technology offers a powerful way to provide chunked content in this method. It was designed by social psychologist Elliot Aronson to help weaken racial cliques in forcibly integrated schools. This is where all of the students with the same chunk of material gather together to better master the content. You're probably familiar with this method, which starts with 4, 5 or 6 students (we prefer 4) each learning a chunk of content. Dr. Barbara Tewksbury of Hamilton College offers the following description of the jigsaw method: “Teams of students are assigned to investigate different aspects of the same problem or issue. BC’s child poverty rate ... READ MORE, What’s happening in literacy next year? This strategy has an effect size of 1.20 and is near the top of the learning influences in Hattie’s research. The jigsaw technique was developed and named in 1971 at the University of Texas, Austin by Elliot Aronson (more info) as a way for students in recently desegregated schools in Austin to interact in the classroom in a way that would reduce suspicion and distrust. Divide students into groups. He examined all of the instructional practices that we use in education and rank ordered them based on their effect size. var em3 = "" But they all work on it together to ensure that critical information about the content is included and is clear. Some Expert Groups might want to create a paper slide or a screencast or quick video, as well as the more common Google Drawing, PowerPoint, or graphic organizer. Students are now individually assessed on all of the chunks to see if there are any gaps or misconceptions in the content learned. Additional Reading. Remember, with TCEA, you’ve got this! In this episode, we look at the Jigsaw Method in more depth. But graphs can be manipulated in ways that distort the information. Research by John Hattie and Greg Donoghue indicates that it depends on a number of factors, including where students are in the learning cycle and what the purpose of the learning is. If you don’t have the right number of students to evenly divide the groups, you can assign two students in one group to the same chunk of content to be learned. Hattie used the data from multiple meta-analyses in order to get a "pooled estimate" or measure of an effect on student learning. In this blog, we’ll look at one of the most powerful (and easy to implement) strategies that his research shows we should be using: the jigsaw method. The process is as described above, with the exception that students in jigsaw groups read the entire assignment or all of the materials to acquire the information. Jigsaw II is an alternative strategy, developed by Robert Slavin (1990). Here are six places to find ideas for winter STEM activities, indoors and out: 10 Winter Science Activities! If you’ve been following TCEA for the past year, you’ll know that we have embraced the work of John Hattie to help us determine what truly works in education. The Jigsaw Method, which has a fascinating history of development for class cohesion purposes in the 1970s, is one of the most effective strategies in the … And please feel free to contact me with any questions about it or if you would like more information. • Jigsaw Method. Professor John Hattie’s landmark Visible Learning research concluded that effective feedback, combined with effective instruction, improves the rate of learning by a factor of 2! Since 1971, thousands of classrooms have used jigsaw with great success. They do not trigger students with a hint of where to look or how to process a question or task. Copyright © 2020 Decoda Literacy Solutions A legacy of Literacy BC and 2010 Legacies Now, How Do You Know When A Teaching Strategy Is Most Effective? The jigsaw method, however, has an effect size of 1.20, which means that if it’s done correctly and regularly, students will grow three years in the space of that one year. Interestingly, the only strategy that seemed to work in all four quadrants (acquiring surface, consolidating surface, acquiring deep, consolidating deep) was the jigsaw activity, which had a large effect size. So we know that an effect size of 0.4 means an average year of growth/learning for a student. John Hattie Has An Idea. The jigsaw method does not appear in these HITs. In 2018: 159,570 children and youth in BC were living in poor households. If you have a student who doesn’t seem to want to take ownership of his/her content, you can use the Jigsaw II method. John Hattie has authored an exceptional work called Visible Learning: A Synthesis of Over 800 Meta-Analyses Related to Achievement.He identifies the degree to which 138 educational strategies impact learning. “When done well, jigsaw is worth the time invested because students do, in fact, learn deeply through the method. The jigsaw technique is a cooperative learning approach that reduces racial conflict among school children, promotes better learning, improves student motivation, and … Explain to students that they will be working in different cooperative groups to learn content: a jigsaw or home group, made up of students who have read different texts, and expert group that all reads the same text. Whether it’s a different instructional strategy or a new tech tool, we want to know that what we are spending our time on is worthwhile and will accelerate learning and retention. Students now return to their original Home Groups where each student takes a turn presenting his/her chunk. With Hattie now moving from recall of facts toward deeper learning and transfer of knowledge, i would be interested in how these are measured and the details of the studies he used. Here’s an example I use when I am teaching people how to do the jigsaw (by jigsawing, of course). Join us for a free-to-members webinar on January 15, 2020 at 11:45 a.m. The Office began its work in September 2019 with a mandate to address root causes of inequality, discrimination ... READ MORE, Sign up to stay in touch with Decoda Literacy Solutions, var em1 = "info" The Jigsaw method is beneficial for students learning . ... Jigsaw Method. 2 That's impressive, given that the average effect size in Hattie's database is.40, which equates to a year of learning for a year of school. This may also help when you have a weak or struggling student who could use a little help. Dr. Hattie, he had listed and ranked all these different learning strategies or elements that had an effect on learning and come to find out jigsaw ranked extremely high, very powerful tool for the classroom. For a year-at-a-glance view of the literacy events in 2020, look at the Literacy Calendar 2021. Date posted: June 19, 2017. Prompts do not give students additional information. Join our mailing list to receive the latest news and updates from our team. Our Literacy Calendar has been updated. This can be for a grade or just for the teacher’s knowledge. All of the content is posted on a Google Site for them to access, including text, websites, and video clips. The one teaching strategy that is identified as working for acquiring and consolidating surface and deep learning is the jigsaw method. December 21, 2020 - Move Read All About Lit, STEM activities can be fun any time, but some are particularly suited to cold weather. 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