Spring-planted potted chrysanthemums are actually likely to overwinter better than those put in the garden in the fall, because their roots have more time to develop before winter dormancy. This ensures you’ll get blooms for a longer period. It is important to prevent the plant from getting too dry or wilting between watering. Perennial mums, on the other hand, should be planted directly into your garden bed in the spring. Treat them as an annual and replace them next year. This encourages them to grow fuller and bushier, and flower later into the season.Like annual mums, perennial mums benefit from deadheading. Removing the old flowers will encourage them to keep blooming. Pinching to Encourage Bushiness Pinch mums during late spring and early summer. You can trim the stems to about three to four inches above the ground. But not here in the North. The plants produce new growth in the spring. Pruning the plant back in the fall -- if it flowers again -- and mulching it well helps it come back strong in the spring. Potted mums are especially welcoming on a porch, front or back, arranged alongside stacks of festive pumpkins. If you are growing mums in pots for a single season, you can mix them in with other plants in a large container. But not here in the North. Gardeners who live in the South, where mums will continue to grow throughout the winter, need to cut their plants back to encourage continued bloom and prevent legginess. 3. © Copyright 2020 Hearst Communications, Inc. Not everyone has an appropriate indoor area to bring their perennials, but you aren’t out of luck if you don’t. Gently remove it from its store pot and break the roots up as best as you can – odds are they’re in a very tight ball. Alot of us just buy mums for fall decor and just stick them in a pretty pot while still in their black garden center pot. Water well throughout the growing season. Here’s everything you need to know about mums and how to choose which ones are right for your garden. This is especially important for mums planted in containers! But they can also be amazing when planted in the landscape. Trim the stems and … Caring for Potted Mums. This gives the roots the maximum amount of time to become established before a hard freeze. You can overwinter in containers or transplant into your garden beds for the winter. 2. Is it really fall without mums on your patio and in your garden? Gorgeous Mums for Your Garden Plan to leave them in the pots. Unless the mum is in a very sunny and hot location, watering the plant well, once a day, should be sufficient. Overwintering mums is a wonderful way to save money and add perennial beauty to the landscape! Mustard Corn salad (Mache) Cauliflower Spinach Asi. Move them out to the garden after weather warms in the spring. I have always loved mums for fall color and am surprised how well they do in our climate. Gently remove it from its store pot and break the roots up as best as you can – odds are they’re in a very tight ball. You might be wondering if Mums are even worth trying to salvage. “Planting them now is the trick,” Waterman said. If … Garden mums are the big, colorful annuals sold in pots each fall across the United States.When selecting garden mums, look for full, healthy plants that still have some tightly closed buds. Mums have surface roots and will suffocate if planted too deeply. There are two types of mums: garden mums, which are treated as annuals and hardy perennial mums. Repotting Mums In The Spring. Pinching refers … If tossing perennials feels like blasphemy, you have a few choices. The vast array of colors available look incredible in pots, containers and baskets. Planting Mums in Soil Plant in the early spring. Gardeners who live in the South, where mums will continue to grow throughout the winter, need to cut their plants back to encourage continued bloom and prevent legginess. When selecting garden mums, look for full, healthy plants that still have some tightly closed buds. This should be after the threat of freezing is over but … Mums love to be hydrated, but make sure there is sufficient drainage so the roots don’t rot. Read the label to be sure what you’re buying. Yes, you can, said Ethan Waterman, manager of Waterman’s Greenhouse, 12316 Vaughn St. (Route 240), East Concord (Springville.) Of course they do not like our alkaline soils and as my soil is heavy clay too, they are best grown in containers or raised beds. As your overwintered mums begin to sprout in the spring, remove any old, brown top growth, and you should be able to clearly see how many plants you have to work with. Be sure to keep plants well watered for the first few weeks to help establish them in the soil. Have you noticed that “hardy” mums aren’t necessarily hardy and don’t come back in the spring? One of the best things you can do for your mum is repot it. Split them into individual chrysanthemum plants to repot them individually, or combine them with other full-sun fall-blooming perennials, annuals or foliage plants in large containers. Potted mums … I have had many gardeners complain about planting mums in the fall only to have them die. Chrysanthemums (Dendranthema x grandiflora or Chrysanthemum x grandiflorum) may be inexpensive and tender enough to treat as annuals but can be coaxed into coming back in the spring in U.S. Department of Agriculture plant hardiness zones 7 through 9. Your mums will last longer if you actually take the time to repot them. But, they’re technically perennials. There are two types of mums: garden mums, which are treated as annuals and hardy perennial mums. You might be wondering if Mums are even worth trying to salvage. Mums are an essential fall decorating element in Southern homes and gardens because they’re sun-loving and easy to replant year after year. But, they’re technically perennials. Not only is it a waste of money, but perennials tend to come back fuller and heartier each year, producing stronger blossoms and fruits the second and third year. If you plant mums in spring, the plants have time to settle in and will return in subsequent seasons . Mums may not flower as well the second year, even with proper winter care. This process is called “Deadheading.” Place mulch up to 4 inches all around your mum, working it between the branches. Replant the mums in a container larger than the one it came in so the roots have room to spread out and breathe. Garden mums will thrive in zones 4 to 9, while florist mums--like you can buy at the grocery store in gift pots-- are only hardy to USDA Hardiness zones 7 to 9 (check your here). I have a whole collection that I grow in pots and they come back every year. If you are buying beautiful mums for fall color and love them placed in pots around the garden, then I would say continue to do so, but don't expect them to make it through a harsh winter. As the foliage dies, cut it back. Whether they come back the next year depends on when and where they are planted: Spring or summer – If planted in spring or summer, mums will have ample time to establish a good root system. Potted mums are usually treated as annual flowers because they cannot tolerate the … Mums prefer rich, fertile and well draining soil, so adding compost when planting is a big key to success. Mums, or Chrysanthemums, are perfect to set in a pot on the front porch next to a few pumpkins to welcome visitors. Shear plants back to 4 to 6 inches tall when they're entirely done blooming. Use annual mums for temporary color in your garden or on your porch, and compost them when they’re finished blooming. Because their spring bloom was forced, they won't rebloom next spring, though they should resprout to bloom in the fall if you plant them in an area with full sun and good drainage. Make sure that you plant your mums in well draining soil. Mums generally come in two types: Florist mums (also known as cutting mums) and hardy mums (also known as garden mums). Tips for Overwintering Mums. Research by one of the world's leading breeders of chrysanthemums indicates that mums grown in northern gardens may survive the winter when mulched, but not cut back. She has a Bachelor of Arts in journalism from Michigan State University, is an avid gardener and volunteers at her local botanical garden. Their soft jewel-tones provide a simple and affordable way to dress up your landscape. Not only is it a waste of money, but perennials tend to come back fuller and heartier each year, producing stronger blossoms and fruits the second and third year. Sinking pots in the ground after you shear back the top growth ensures that chrysanthemum roots are insulated against the cold. Give your mums a fighting chance at coming back next year by following these simple steps: If the soil is not too wet during the winter, they will overwinter just as other perennials. Garden mums are the big, colorful annuals sold in pots each fall across the United States. Provide more mulch, such as leaves or straw, after the first freeze. In closing, just a few more tips for keeping your mums looking great. Reed was editor of the "Grand Ledge Independent" weekly newspaper and a Capitol Hill reporter for the national newsletter "Corporate & Foundation Grants Alert." A Few More Tips For Keeping Potted Mums Looking Great. Annual Mums. Chrysanthemums that were forced into bloom to flower off-season in the spring can rebloom in the fall when you cut them back and put them in the ground after they fade. Get mums out of their pots and into the ground soon after purchase. Keep faded blossoms trimmed to keep the plant looking its best and keep it from spending its energy on producing seeds. If you choose to move the plants, do so before the first hard freeze. Gently loosen tangled roots before repotting to encourage them to grow outward again. Wh Potted mums are autumn classics, with late-season color that boosts curb appeal or brightens a Thanksgiving table. Cut the mums back and add a heavy layer of mulch to the pots, then put them in the shed. Both types come from the same original parent, a golden-yellow daisy-like mum from China. This ensures you’ll get blooms for a longer period. If you are buying beautiful mums for fall color and love them placed in pots around the garden, then I would say continue to do so, but don't expect them to make it through a harsh winter. Care of Container Grown Mums. Mums do best in well-drained soil so use a potting mix (Vigoro All Purpose Potting Mix, $7, The Home Depot) in your container. Care of Container Grown Mums. In general, mums are hardy in U.S. Department of Agriculture plant hardiness zones 5 through 9, although this can vary slightly by species. Though they sometimes have smaller flowers, they’ll provide autumn color to your garden year after year. If any additional foliage has been killed by the cold, do not trim it away until spring. Chrysanthemum container care continues when you get home. Additionally, mums do best and often look better when repotted out of their plastic nursery pot and into a larger container that can hold more water. Tip. In many cases, it is not the cold that kills mums, but rather the ice that forms around the roots if they’re planted … If you prefer to display mums in the pots they came in, plant them promptly once their flower display is done. No fertilizer is recommended the first year you grow chrysanthemums -- they usually received all they need for their first season at the nursery. Once you’ve determined the perfect spot to display your mum, place a tray beneath the flower pot to keep the soil moist. Beside above, do mums come back in pots? Keep reading to learn more about how to winterize mums. If tossing perennials feels like blasphemy, you have a few choices. When the leaves start to fall and the air gets crisp, Chrysanthemums are the highlight of the garden. Mums can be perennial and will come back the following year. They work well in pots and in garden beds, too. There are garden mums, also called hardy mums, and florist mums. 4.9/5 (119 Views . Then, either mulch the plants heavily or dig, pot and move the plants to a more protected spot in the garden for the winter. And perhaps even better, many varieties are hardy enough to come back year after year! Mums come in many shapes and colors. Many gardeners treat Chrysanthemum plants as annuals. Chrysanthemums, or “mums” as they are often called, are one of the first plants people turn to for fall color. 35 Votes) Potted mums are autumn classics, with late-season color that boosts curb appeal or brightens a Thanksgiving table. Always repot a purchased potted mum plant when you get it home. Give your mums a fighting chance at coming back next year by following these simple steps: Pinch off the dead flowers but don’t prune any of the branches until spring. These flowers are what gardeners refer to as tender perennials. Many gardeners treat Chrysanthemum plants as annuals. Because people often think that mums (formally called Chrysanthemums) are at best a finicky perennial, many gardeners treat them as annuals, but this doesn’t have to be the case.With just a little winter care for mums, these fall beauties can come back … Did you know that there’s actually more than one kind of mum? Nurseries often pot three or four small mum plants together to make a more impressive plant to sell. Garden mums will thrive in zones 4 to 9, while florist mums--like you can buy at the grocery store in gift pots-- are only hardy to USDA Hardiness zones 7 to 9 (check your here ). You shouldn’t water plants that need to go dormant during the winter, like mums so don’t worry about getting to them when the snow starts to fly! Move it to a slightly larger container with good, fertile potting soil. Whether they come back the next year depends on when and where they are planted: Place them carefully in the ground, making sure not to plant them any deeper than they were in their original pot. Chrysanthemums, or “mums” as they are often called, are one of the first plants people turn to for fall color. The steps for wintering mums start when you plant them. Remove clumps from the pots and shake off the soil. However, they do require more maintenance throughout the summer. Like annual mums, you’ll get the best blooms if they’re planted in full sun, but they will tolerate partial shade. They're also perfect for tucking into empty places in your fall garden. 90% of them come back, but don't be surprised if it doesn't. One of the first questions people have about mums is whether they're annuals or perennials, and the answer is, they’re both! I have always loved mums for fall color and am surprised how well they do in our climate. Don’t cut back the foliage of mums in the fall. Just make sure the tags read Garden Mum and also they fit your USDA Zone, which should be listed on the back of the pot tag. Warning. Chrysanthemum pots can also be stored in an unheated garage, porch or shed over the winter. Newly purchased potted mums need to be kept consistently moist but not wet and in bright, indirect light indoors. https://blog.homesteadgardens.com/mums-chrysanthemums-come-back How to Make Sure Your Mums Bloom in Fall Spring planted mums will have plenty of time for root growth. These flowers are what gardeners refer to as tender perennials. There are garden mums, also called hardy mums, and florist mums. Trim the stems and foliage. Consider a potting mix that includes a slow-release fertilizer, or feed them with a water-soluble foliar 10-15-10 fertilizer every two weeks at a rate of 1 teaspoon per gallon of water, or as your particular brand's label directs, until you see flower buds. Overwintering mums is possible. After they’re done for the season, mulch to protect them during the winter. What Do I Do With My Potted Mums After They Die? Though garden mums are rated as hardy down to USDA zone 7, potted plants can be two zones less cold-resistant if the pot is left standing. Though technically perennials, mums are often grown as annuals owing to shallow root systems inclined to heave right out of the ground during winter's freeze-thaw cycles. Pots overwintered indoors just need water about once a month or whenever they're dry. They are usually root-bound, meaning that the roots are taking up the majority of the pot. Greenhouse mums are typically late-flowering, tender perennials that, in many regions, won't survive the winter in the ground, let alone a pot. Move it to a slightly larger container with good, fertile potting soil. I have a whole collection that I grow in pots and they come back every year. Mums, also called chrysanthemums, are pest and disease-resistant, so they're ideal for any garden. One of the best things you can do for your mum is repot it. As fall progresses, the leaves of your mum will start to turn brown. Fresh potting soil is a wise investment, even if you don't divide the plants. Mums will do best in raised beds or sandy soil. Can you get garden mums to come back year after year? How Long Do Potted Mums Last? With just a little winter care for mums, these fall beauties can come back year after year. After the last hard freeze of the spring, plant the mum in the warm soil or move the pot back outside. Mums are considered tender perennials. They need at least five hours of full sun outdoors to stay healthy enough to successfully come back the next season. If you want to instead regrow your mums in a pot or container again, you will need to re-pot them with new potting soil. Treat your potted mums with care, and they'll come back whether you maintain them in the pot or plant them out in the garden. If you have plans for the containers from winter to early spring, you can pop the plants out of the pots and mound them with sand, sawdust or other organic mulch on top of the soil in an out-of-the-way spot; then, repot them when your cool-weather potted annuals finish blooming. 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